Children’s and Young Person’s


  • Children and Young People

    Hello and welcome! Can I just say I’m really pleased you’re here. It’s never an easy thing to do- reaching out and asking for help. In fact, I believe it’s extremely courageous.

    Being the age you are is hardly a walk in the park, you’re going through hormonal changes whilst developing and exploring your identity. Oh and let’s not forget school work thrown in there too. Oh, and the impact of social media and the many things that can bring.

    I had a rough time in my teenage years and kept a lot of thoughts and feelings bottled up. Through my own experience of counselling, I wish I could have had someone impartial in my life to talk openly to, free of judgement and opinion giving. I would love to be able to offer you this space.

  • Parents

    As a mother myself, I can appreciate that you may be feeling concerned and a little overwhelmed at the thought of your child/ teenager having counselling. This is why it’s important to me that you are well informed of the counselling process and what it entails. This can sometimes mean having a joint assessment where you are present in the initial session.

    Maybe you’ve noticed a change in your child’s behaviour, mood or both? Perhaps they are more withdrawn from family and friends? Have their sleeping or eating habits changed? Are they having sudden outbursts, feeling sad or overly rebellious?

    If you’ve answered yes- I may be able to help.

    *I am currently working online with children/ young people 11+ years.